How to Give
With support from donors, Brown Oncology Research Group can create and test novel clinical treatments--with an eye toward developing a cure for cancer.
How to Give
With support from donors, Brown Oncology Research Group can create and test novel clinical treatments--with an eye toward developing a cure for cancer.
Types of cancers have been studied in BrUOG trials
Trials have led to national studies that have determined widely accepted cancer treatment protocols.
Cancer patients enrolled in BrUOG clinical trials over the last 5 years
Patients have been able to receive treatment right here in RI at our local hospitals
New BrUOG clinical trials opened over the last 5 years
Many of these trials utilize novel therapeutic agents or new combinations of treatments in an effort to improve treatment
Because BrUOG's studies are novel, and because they are investigator-initiated—conceived by those who not only research, but treat, cancer—they can, and have, resulted in groundbreaking discoveries, greatly improving the treatments for particular cancers. However, it is extremely difficult to garner external funding for these investigator-initiated, early (Phase I and II) trials.
Though it cannot be denied that BrUOG has accomplished much with its limited resources, that the group is in great need of additional support is also indisputable. Without additional funding—without the help of generous donors—BrUOG cannot conduct needed research to answer key questions, and patients and their families suffer.
BrUOG is currently trying to initiate new trials for patients with pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, bone metastases, leukemia and lymphoma.
Supporting BrUOG would also bring trials to patients who would not otherwise have access to them. BrUOG is the principal mechanism for clinical trials in Rhode Island. There are simply not enough trials on enough cancers in the state for the many patients who want—and deserve—access to the newest therapies. As such, cancer patients in Rhode Island regularly face a difficult choice: travel several hours to participate in a hospital-based study in Boston, or opt out of trial treatments altogether. Since the newest, most promising treatments are often available only through research studies; this decision is one that no one should have to make.
The hope is that with additional funds, BrUOG can offer all patients in Rhode Island the opportunity to participate in clinical trials with the very physicians who are creating, writing, and setting the benchmark for cancer clinical care in Rhode Island and nationwide. More broadly, these trials have the potential to transform cancer treatment, locally, nationally, and globally.
Make a Gift
You may give online. Click "Give Now". When using the online form, please be sure to scroll down to "search for something specific" and type in: Brown University Oncology Research Group, BrUOG. You may also mail your donation to BrUOG.
Please make checks payable to Brown University. “BrUOG ” should be noted in the memo field.
Send checks to:
Brown University
Gift Cashier
Box 1877
Providence RI 02912
For more information about supporting BrUOG, please contact:
Cailie Burns, Director of Development
Office of Biomedical Advancement
Tel: +1(646)758-9538 / Mobile: +1(401)368-8155